Friday 27 September 2024

331 - 340 Marital Food For Thought - Jack’s Marriage Project - Jack Lookman - Empowerment and Inspiration - Empowering & Inspiring Generations

 331. Do You Live For Today Or Tomorrow?

Jack’s Marriage Project

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How do you spend your resources? Your time, money, good fortune, experience, strength, health, children, associates, etc? Do you take them for granted? Do you squander them? Will they last for ever? Do you invest them? Is life ever predictable? Will you have them forever? Do you learn from experiences of others? Or is that a waste of time? Is life a rollercoaster? Full of ups and downs? Will you invest harvests, during periods of plenty? For any periods of draught, that may come unexpectedly? Do you invest with money, people and goodwill? Do you invest in the children, for a better tomorrow? Do you indulge in eating and drinking? As if there’ll be no tomorrow? Do you live for today or tomorrow, after all tomorrow may never come? 

332. Will You Be Of Service To Parents And In-Laws?

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In Yoruba culture, it’s said that when a pouch rat becomes old, it suckles the breasts of its children.

Our parents and parents-in-law most likely made direct or indirect sacrifices for us in their younger days. They probably still do.

Do we make intentional effort to be of service to them? Do we pray for them? Do we assist with their chores? Do we pay for services on their behalf? Do we keep their company? Either online or offline? Do we ensure that they are comfortable? Do we contribute towards their welfare and good health? Do we tick all the right boxes? Could our actions be replicated in old age? Does any of these matter? Or is it only about your spouse and children?

Is there any guarantee, that you’ll not fall out? Either sooner or later? Or is tomorrow guaranteed for you and I? Does what go around, actually come around? Or I’m talking rubbish, and should keep my mouth shut?

333. Is Caring For Your Children A Lifelong Endeavour?

Some parents will declare that their children are so, for life. They’ll continue to be parents for as long as they live. Even when they are old and frail, and can longer provide physical support, they try their best with emotional and spiritual support.

For family unions that endure all weathers, it’s very difficult to break the bond of kinship.

Good parents will support their children until their last breath, with hope, love, faith and much more.

They take the care of their children as lifelong responsibilities, and carry out such irrespective of the pain endured.


334. Will You Leave An Enduring Legacy?

As you live your life, in your little way; do you think of only today? Or do you reflect on tomorrow? Do you think about after-life? Be it near or far. Do you think about your legacy? What you’d be remembered-for? Will you impact others? In cash or in kind. Will you share from your wisdom? And impart good character? Will you leave indelible marks? And earn goodwill for generations? Will you be intentional in doing so? Or it could wait for tomorrow. Is tomorrow ever promised? Or there really is no will. 

335. Will You Succumb To Family Destroyers?

Some people and events could be tagged ‘family destroyers.’ Their aim is to ensure that your family unit disintegrates. They come in different shades and colours. Some are family-unfriendly events; family-unfriendly jobs; gossipers; those who give negative advise, those who are envious of you, those who waste time and other resources on unprofitable activities; time wasters, etc.

Do you spend most of your time with them? Or will you reduce or negate your time with them? Do they add value to your life or family? Or do they slowly destroy it? Do you intentionally avoid them? Or do you enjoy their company? Will you take responsibility for any outcomes presented? Could it affect only you? Or could it affect your children? Does a stitch in time save nine? Or you don’t wish to save at all.

336. Do You Search For Cracks Or Do You Repair Them?

Are you in the habit of always finding faults? Is any of us perfect? Are you intolerant? Are you always dissatisfied? Do you never proffer solutions? Do you reflect on these? Could you exchange roles? Will you be accepting of constant criticism? Will it make you happy?

Marriage is about sacrifice. You need to let go sometimes. You sometimes need to brush aside some undesirable behaviour. You sometimes need to overlook unpleasant deeds. And sometimes, unpleasant actions.

This could be the secret for longevity; and a happy enduring marriage.

337. Will You Maintain Relations With Your Siblings?

When you get married, will you maintain relations with your siblings, and other family relations?  Will it be about you only? As well as spouse and children? Will you forget your roots, and your family foundations? 

Could that marriage, which you hold so dear, be crumbled into dust, spread far away? Could yourself and spouse, become sworn enemies? Could your best friend, become your worst enemy? Are there life realities for you to learn? Will you learn from experiences of others alike? Or will you prefer to learn from your own? Life is indeed a big road with lots of signs.

338. Will Your Character Automatically Rub-Off On Your Children?

Are you religious, honest and smart? Do you expect your traits to rub-off on your children? 

Do they always rub off? Does it sometimes depend on the environment? And sometimes on their inherent personalities? Could some of your traits rub-on? As well as what you teach? Could schools play a role, as well as their friends? Could television and internet, have their roles to play. Could spirituality be relevant, by praying to God? We could only try our best, and hope for rest.

339. If Your Spouse Is Lazy

Do you have a lazy spouse, hanging around to no good? Watching television all day long, and offering no help. Whenever there’s work to do, he’d always pass the buck. Putting tremendous pressure on you, could lead to divorce.

Could the situation be remedied, the timing bomb? Or will it be tucked under, to grow bigger? Is it better to nip it in the bud and correct the faults? Or it cannot be corrected, it’s past the date.

340. Do You Consult Before Making Major Decisions?

It’s said, that no one is an embodiment of knowledge. Do you consult your spouse or necessary others, before making important decisions? Is there a need for it? Do you know it all? Will you bear consequences alone? Are two or more good heads, better than one? By taking unilateral decisions, could you have missed out some thoughts? Are joint decisions better than unilateral decisions? Is there any wisdom in consulting? For medical issues, educational, work related, etc. Or is it just a waste of time and space?

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Buy - Marital Food For Thought - Jack’s Marriage Project -

Thank you for your contributions: John Tosin Adekunle and  Rita Nnamani 

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